In order to make bookings, or list your Digs, you need to register! You have two options, either a Host, or a Guest. 

Hosts list their Digs and provide accommodation for theatre cast and crew (Guests), touring in the UK.

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Register as a Guest

Register as a Host

Register as a Guest

To register as a Guest, first go to and click on the top right of the screen labeled 'I am a Guest' and then click 'Register'.

From there, you can fill out all of your relevant details. For a detailed, step by step guide on how to do this, visit our in-depth solution on registering as a Guest here.

Register as a Host

In order to register as a Host, as above, visit and click on 'I'm a Host' and then 'Register', or just click 'List a room'. This will bring you to the registration form.

You can then fill this out with the relevant details. For a step by step guide on this, visit our in depth solution on registering as a Host here.

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