In most cases, listings have been suspended or unpublished because something isn't quite accurate enough for us to confidently show it to Guests in their searches.

This can include inaccurate pricing, description, photos, acceptance/response rate and availability. 

We recently made the decision to automatically hide (unpublish) listings from searches when the listing's calendar hadn't been manually updated for over 2 months. (Many reminder emails are sent first.)

This is in reaction to a large number of Guests who book digs on the site only to find that, although the listing showed availability, the calendar wasn't up-to-date and therefore the listings (and the site) appear to be unreliable.

So that we can keep attracting great Guests and lots of bookings, we need to ensure our site stays relevant as a reliable place to source and book digs.

If your listing has been suspended due to your calendar being out-of-date, you simply need to visit the calendar for each room you offer and check it shows accurate availability.

NOTE: Watch out for notifications in red (they mean something needs your attention).

If your calendar(s) show accurate availability, you can simply click the 'Mark calendar as up-to-date' button for each room you offer.

If you have accepted bookings from other sources or a room is not available for some reason, you can simply click the date (highlighted in red) to mark it as unavailable: (click again to set as available)

Once all your rooms are updated you will automatically be republished and your listing will appear in searches once again.

This whole process usually takes under 60 seconds and only needs to be done once a month (or anytime your availability changes). We send reminders if you haven't updated recently so please check your inbox for emails from us. 

Even if you have bookings in the calendar, a monthly check is required to ensure all calendars remain up-to-date (Guests may be booking for quite some time in the future).

For full instructions on how to manage your calendar please see this tutorial. (

We are always improving and developing the site and would welcome your feedback and suggestions on ways to make this even better.

Happy Hosting!

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