Producers FAQs

Why should I book online?
By searching, finding and booking your digs through TheatreDigsBooker you benefit from: A full record of booking information and messages are stored in yo...
Thu, 28 Jun, 2018 at 2:05 PM
What do we do to help Touring Professionals?
Unlike Traditional Theatre Digs Lists, there are many ways in which TheatreDigsBooker help Guests to find good quality Digs with ease.  For example: ...
Wed, 5 Sep, 2018 at 4:54 PM
Why do I need to register?
If you are a theatre professional, you have access to all the details of all the digs on the site (and there are hundreds). We just ask for your emai...
Fri, 29 Jun, 2018 at 11:32 AM